RE: SWRL sameAs/differentFrom inconsistency

From: Mike Dean ([email protected])
Date: 11/16/04

  • Next message: Benjamin Grosof: "my notes from today's 11/16/04 JC telecon"
    > We should be consistent with what OWL does,
    > and presumably that's exactly two?
    OWL primarily uses the binary predicates owl:sameAs and owl:differentFrom.
    owl:AllDifferent was a late addition that provides a shorthand for
    expressing pairwise owl:differentFrom's among the specified individuals.
    See [1].
    > In the longer term, it might be convenient to permit k-ary sameAs and 
    > k-ary differentFrom, how about we add that to the issues list?
    Adding it to the issues list seems fine to me.

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