Re: rules document

From: pat hayes ([email protected])
Date: 11/04/03

  • Next message: pat hayes: "Re: technical detail feedback on OWL Rules: truth value for empty consequent"
    >The documents from Peter are now available at [1], with a
    >link from [2].  Folks with CVS access can now update as
    >necessary (CVS updates will be applied nightly, or can be
    >copied in directly).
    >	Mike
    Section 6 Mapping to RDF graphs
    change wording:
    "Rules have variables, so treating them as a semantic extension of 
    RDF is very difficult. It is, however, still possible to provide an 
    RDF syntax for rules---it is just that the semantics of the resultant 
    RDF graphs will not be an extension of the RDF Semantics. "
    " It is straightforward to provide an RDF syntax for rules, but the 
    presence of variables in rules goes beyond the RDF semantics. We do 
    not yet know if the intended semantics of the resultant RDF graphs is 
    an extension of the <link>RDF Semantics </link>"
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