Re: Rules ASCII Syntax: Ordered and Unordered Options

From: Harold Boley ([email protected])
Date: 06/06/03

  • Next message: Mike Dean: "Re: Are we following the Roadmap or not?"
    Hi Pat,
    > Hi Harold, a few questions about your selector notation. We have been
    > thinking along similar lines for SCL, hence the details. If the
    > answers are published somewhere just point me at that.
    > >Hi Sandro,
    > >
    > >>  > In the example, the individual constant "5.0 percent" can be
    > >>analyzed as the
    > >>  > cterm percent[5.0], and the constant "2003/04" can be analyzed as either a
    > >>  > positional cterm interval["2003","2004"] or again as an
    > >>object-oriented cterm
    > >>  > interval[start->"2003";end->"2004"]. Note that square brackets
    > >>are preferable
    > >>  > for cterms to clearly set them off from the parenthesized atoms.
    > >>
    > >>  cterms are construction functor expressions?    This syntax is new to
    > >>  me; where does it come from?   Does it have detractors?
    > >
    > >Yes, originally 'complex terms' are exactly what Prolog calls
    > >'structures'. The
    > >distinction between (round) parentheses for active calls and [square] brackets
    > >for passive structures was introduced in Relfun -- cf.
    > > or
    > > -- and can be seen
    > >as an obvious
    > >generalization of Prolog's list notation via a polyadic tup
    > >constructor, so that
    > >[e1,...,eM] is definable as tup[e1,...,eM].
    > SCL follows KIF in allowing polyadicity explicitly, so we can define
    > tup axiomatically, so this is also natural for us.
    Yes, this is good Lisp tradition.
    > >Later, in Object-Oriented RuleML, we have permitted 'complex terms' to *also*
    > >contain unordered roles with their fillers,  or -- as in F-Logic -- to *only*
    > >contain such frame-like 'slots'. In that sense, this is a merger of Prolog and
    > >F-Logic.
    > >
    > >Well, a 'detractor' --  which sounds better as the antonym for
    > >'constructor' than
    > >'destructor' does -- in a unification-based language such as Prolog,
    > >Relfun, or
    > >F-Logic can be represented by a local unification and variable
    > >dereferencing for
    > >the selected part of the complex data structure (BTW, John McCarthy
    > >in his work
    > >on abstract syntax used 'selector' as the antonym for 'constructor').
    > First question, how does one unify a term which selects a
    > subexpression which isn't present? Does the unifier have to supply a
    > suitable binding, or does the unification fail?
    The unification fails: 'rest' variables must be explicit. 
    > Eg consider unifying
    > interval[StartDate, EndDate] with a single variable ?x
    Without explicit 'rest' variables,
    interval[StartDate,EndDate]   unifies with the single variable   X
                                  by binding X = interval[StartDate,EndDate]
                                  does not unify with the unary      interval[X]
                                  unifies with the binary            interval[X,Y]
                                  by binding StartDate = X, EndDate = Y
                                  does not unify with the ternary    interval[X,Y,Z]
    In Prolog a positional 'rest' variable -- only permitted in lists -- is indicated by
    separating it from previous elements via a "|" instead of the normal "," separator.
    Here, a positional 'rest' variable -- permitted in lists, structures, atoms, etc. --
    is indicated by a (double) ",," instead of the normal (single) "," separator; this
    will also allow a (double) ";;" instead of the normal (single) ";" separator for
    unordered ('object-oriented') complex terms.
    With such explicit 'rest' variables,
    interval[StartDate,EndDate,,ResumeDates]  unifies with variable  X
                                  by binding X = interval[StartDate,EndDate,,ResumeDates]
                                  does not unify with the unary      interval[X]
                                  unifies with the binary            interval[X,Y]
                                  by binding StartDate = X, EndDate = Y, ResumeDates = []
                                  unifies with the ternary           interval[X,Y,Z]
                                  by binding StartDate = X, EndDate = Y, ResumeDates = [Z]
                                  unifies with the 4-ary             interval[X,Y,Z,"2004"]
                                  by binding StartDate = X, EndDate = Y, ResumeDates = [Z,"2004"]
                                  unifies with the (1+n)-ary             interval[X,,Y]
                                  by binding StartDate = X, Y = [EndDate,,ResumeDates]
    > >So we can access the start date of interval["2003","2004"] by unifying it with
    > >interval[StartDate,EndDate] and dereferencing StartDate to "2003".
    > >Similarly, we
    > >can access the end date of interval[start->"2003";end->"2004"] via unification
    > >with interval[start->StartDate;end->EndDate] and dereferencing
    > >EndDate to "2004".
    > When is dereferencing performed? (Only during unification?) What is
    > the difference between dereferencing and binding?
    At least during unification, before built-ins are called, and for result printouts
    (the issue of performing or not performing the 'occurs check' is orthogonal to this
    > The above first
    > example looks like a normal unification if we read 'StartDate' as a
    > variable; what does it mean to dereference a variable?
    Yes, it *is* a normal unification -- everything above is still positional; Prolog's
    convention of capitalizing variable names such as 'StartDate' is assumed throughout.
    > Does  interval[start->A; end->B] unify with interval[A,B] ? How about
    > interval[start->?x; end->B] unified with interval[A,B] ? Does that
    > bind ?x to A ; if so, what is the common instance?
    The object-oriented interval[start->A;end->B] does not unify with the positional
    interval[A,B]. However, an operation positionalize(interval[start->A;end->B]) can
    be defined to return the ordered interval[B,A] by omitting the role names after a
    lexicographic normalization (sorting) w.r.t. the role names. This interval[B,A] in
    turn would unify with the positional interval[A,B] by binding B = A.
    Likewise, interval[start->X;end->B] does not unify with interval[A,B]
    > What happens if we put the variable on the other side:
    > interval[start->A; end->B] unify with interval[?x,B]  ? Does this
    > bind ?x simply to B or to something that indicates the 'end' role?
    > What is the common instance? (More generally, how is instantiation
    > defined over Cterms? )
    Same as above. Neither do interval[start->a;end->b] and interval[X,b] unify, where
    the lower-case letters 'a' and 'b' are individual constants.
    Instantiation for positional cterms is defined as usual; for object-oriented cterms
    it is defined to apply the bindings of a substitution to the fJ of each slot rj->fJ
    (cf. remarks below on forbidding variables in the position of roles rJ).
    > Does f[a->A] unify with f[a->A, b->B] ?
    f[a->A] does not unify with f[a->A;b->B], since 'rest' variables must be explicit
    also for object-oriented cterms.
    With the ';;'-separator introduced above, f[a->A;;X] unifies with f[a->A;b->B]
                                              by binding X = [b->B].
    Similarly,                                f[a->A;;X] unifies with f[a->A;b->B;c->C]
                                              by binding X = [b->B;c->C].
    > (The reason for asking this is that in one interpretation, any
    > 'missing' roles should be interpreted as existentials, eg that would
    > be appropriate for case-grammar or event description logics, and then
    > this kind of unification would be appropriate.)
    Here, an existential is made explicit after the ';;'-separator by a fresh variable X
    (so the collection of these 'rest' roles can be referred to via X).
    Alternatively, an 'anonymous' variable can be employed (as in Prolog written as '_'):
    f[a->A;;_] unifies with f[a->A;b->B]        without any bindings
    f[a->A;;_] unifies with f[a->A;b->B;c->C]   without any bindings
    The applications for case-grammar, event description logics, etc. can thus be done
    equally well, and the more precise ';;'-free OO cterms can enforce more restricted
    unifications where needed.
    > Can I write a variable in a role position, eg:  f[?x->A] unify with f[a->A] ??
    I would not recommend this for several reasons, two of which being:
    * The 'functionality' (
    of OO cterms could be lost, since initially different variables in two role
    positions could become unified when additionally used in a filler position.
    For example, f[X->1;Y->2;c->g[X,Y]] would unify with f[U->1;V->2;c->g[Z,Z]]
    with non-functional common instance f[Z->1;Z->2;c->g[Z,Z]].
    * There would no longer be a unique most general unifier, so non-determinism
    would already arise during the unification phase of resolution.
    For example, f[X->U;Y->V] would unify with f[a->1;b->2]
    by binding X = a, U = 1, Y = b, V = 2 or, equally general,
    by binding X = b, U = 2, Y = a, V = 1.
    > >But instead of / in addition to this, we can introduce a 'universal'
    > >selector sel,
    > >parameterized by either a positive integer or a role name.
    > >
    > >sel[1](interval["2003","2004"]) would return "2003".
    > >sel[end](interval[start->"2003";end->"2004"]) would return "2004".
    > What about
    > sel[1](interval[start->"2003";end->"2004"]) ? Is that "2003" or undefined?
    That is undefined; sel[start](interval[start->"2003";end->"2004"]) is "2003".
    However, with a positionalize function as indicated above, we could have the
    following computation ('end' is lexicographically before 'start'):
    > Final question: what is the point of all of this? Why bother writing
    > sel[1](interval["2003","2004"])  when you could just write "2003" ?
    If an interval binding like I = interval["2003","2004"] is computed somewhere else,
    and we only need its start date, sel[1](I) always gives us the desired result.
    > Is the following meaningful?:
    > sel[1](?x)= "2003"
    > when ?x bound to interval["2003","2004"] ?
    Well, when X is already bound to interval["2003","2004"], the call
    sel[1](X) behaves like sel[1](interval["2003","2004"]).
    However, when X is still free, we have a case of equation solving,
    here involving the inversion of the sel[1] function. Special cases
    of function inversion have been studied in functional-logic languages
    like Relfun, but here I assumed sel to be a built-in non-invertible
    > It seems to me that if this works then you ought to be able to use
    > this to mimic higher-order unifications.  Has that been tried?
    I don't know whether that been tried. Since the free variable X of
    sel[1](X) = "2003"
    would only range over (non-ground) cterms, not over (lambda) functions,
    I don't see how it mimics higher-order unification in the sense studied,
    e.g., in lambda Prolog (

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