Re: DRAFT: List of Built-ins

From: pat hayes (
Date: 06/03/03

  • Next message: pat hayes: "Re: Rules ASCII Syntax: Ordered and Unordered Options"
    >  > As promised, please find, attached, the list of built-ins. This is a
    >>  draft, a new version will be available next week with much more details.
    >Understood; feel free to answer my questions in that new version
    >instead of e-mail, if that works better.
    >General question: how do you propose to organize built-ins in terms of
    >input vs. output vs. bi-directional parameters?  EG addition and
    >subtraction can be the same predicate:
    >     sum(3,4,7)   true if 3+4=7
    >     sum(3,4,?x)  binds ?x to 7 if unbound
    >     sum(3,?y,7)  binds ?y to 4 if unbound
    sum(times(2,?x), 1, ?y)
    get ?x bound to  -1 ?
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