Re: DRAFT: List of Built-ins

From: Sandro Hawke ([email protected])
Date: 05/28/03

  • Next message: Benjamin Grosof: "Re: DRAFT: List of Built-ins"
    > As promised, please find, attached, the list of built-ins. This is a
    > draft, a new version will be available next week with much more details.
    Understood; feel free to answer my questions in that new version
    instead of e-mail, if that works better.
    General question: how do you propose to organize built-ins in terms of
    input vs. output vs. bi-directional parameters?  EG addition and
    subtraction can be the same predicate:
        sum(3,4,7)   true if 3+4=7
        sum(3,4,?x)  binds ?x to 7 if unbound
        sum(3,?y,7)  binds ?y to 4 if unbound
    This is a little odd for addition, but I guess it's common in Prolog
    for list-append.
    > 3. More Built-ins:
    > ----------------
    > 	3.1	Assign			=
    What does this mean in a KR language, where it doesn't make sense to
    talk about changing the value of something?
    > 	3.2	Increment		++
    > 	3.3	Decrement		--
    Ditto, unless you just mean +1 and -1.
    > 	3.4	Power			**
    > 	3.5	Abs (absolute value)
    > 	3.6	Min
    > 	3.7	Max
    > 4. Data Types
    > --------------
    > 	Our approach is to integrate XML Part 2, Data Types:
    What kind of built-ins does that give you?  For example, the datatype
    "duration" [1] represents a length of time via a 6-tuple of <year,
    month, day, hour, minute, second>.   It has an ordering, and the
    following "constraining facets":    
        * pattern
        * enumeration
        * whiteSpace
        * maxInclusive
        * maxExclusive
        * minInclusive
        * minExclusive
    So what built-ins does that suggest we should have associated with the
    xsd:duration type?
    > 5. String built-ins:
    > -----------------
    > 	5.1	str-length	returns the length of a given string in charact
    > ers
    > 	5.2	str-cat		string concatenation
    > 	5.3	str-compare	compares 2 strings
    > 	5.4	str-index		returns the position of the first argum
    > ent within the =
    > second argument
    > 	5.5	is-String		returns TRUE if the argument is a strin
    > g, FALSE =
    > otherwise
    > 	5.6	sub-string	returns a substring from a string argument give
    > n two =
    > 1-based indices
    > 	5.7	str-upcase	returns the given string argument in Uppercase
    > 	5.8	str-lowcase	retrns the given string argument in lowercase
    Do you really want hyphens in names?  stringLength is probably more in
    keeping with current naming wisdom.    Is isString different from
    checking to see if it's in the String class?
    What are strings, btw?  Are they XSD strings, RDF plain literals (are
    those xsd strings?), or something else.   
    > 6. I/O Streams built-ins:
    > -----------------------
    > 	6.1	open		Open a file or a stream
    > 	6.2	read		Read from stream or file
    > 	6.3	write		Write to a stream or file
    > 	6.4	close		close file or stream
    I'd suggest that file handling and URI handling be unified.  Opening
    and reading a file is pretty much the same as GET of an HTTP URI.   If
    the default basename is file: with the current directory, the
    difference is only noticable on filenames starting with something that
    looks like a URI scheme name.
    "write" is of course not a side-effect-free (sensing) operation.  
    > 	6.5	printout		sends unformatted output to a given str
    > eam/router
    ... this is an enormous can of worms....   What kind of formatting are
    you suggesting "write" has?
    > 7. Control and debugging built-ins:
    > ---------------------------------
    > 	7.1	run		invoke an inference cycle
    > 	7.2	query		run a query
    > 	7.3	halt		halts an inference/query cycle
    > 	7.4	reset		reset the fact base
    > 	7.5	show-facts	returns the list of asserted facts
    > 	7.5	show-rules	returns the list of rules
    > 	7.8	debug		runs in a debug mode: traces all rule firings
    > 	7.9	assert		assert new facts
    > 	7.10	retract		retract facts
    > 	7.11	load-facts	asserts facts loaded from a file
    > 	7.12	load-rules	loads rules from a file
    > 	7.13	evaluate		evaluates a string input as command lin
    > e input and =
    > returns the result
    > 	7.14	clear		clear engine from all its contents: rules, fact
    > s, etc.
    Most of these are not sensing operations either.  I don't know how you
    expect to fit them into a KR language.  Any ideas?
         -- sandro

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