Re: followup from telecon (integration of XML and RDF)

From: Stefan Decker ([email protected])
Date: 11/21/01


thanks a lot for the pointer to your WWW-paper.
Please allow me a question:
in figure 5 on page 12 you present an RDF graph and an interpretation graph.
The interpretation graph consists of nodes and arcs - as it seems,
several kinds of arcs.
Now it seems that I can go along, define the necessary vocabulary
(some arc names and node types) and represent arbitrary interpretation 
graphs in RDF
(e.g., for arbitrary XML documents (with the cited restrictions))

Is this true?
If not, why not?

Thanks and all the best,


At 03:44 PM 11/20/2001, Peter F. Patel-Schneider wrote:
>I have placed (effective as of 7pm EST today) a draft (I don't have the
>submission verion, I'll try to get it tomorrow) of the paper that I alluded
>to at
>This is a temporary placement and a temporary version.
>The basic idea is to provide a model theory compatible with (most of) RDF
>and (almost all of) XML.  The model theory is unusual in that it
>relationships are unnamed, so it looks more like XML trees than RDF graphs,
>although it is, of course a graph.
>As mentioned in the paper the model theory misses the following parts of
>1/ Attributes in the second basis abbreviation, as they cannot be
>    distinguished from properties of the property.
>2/ parsetype, as this is not good XML.  (parsetype=literal is not needed,
>    in any case, here.)
>The basic processing is as follows:
>1/ Perform XML processing (and validation) to result in the XML Query Data
>2/ Use the data model as the source for the data model mappings.

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