Re: Errors in the March 2001 DAML+OIL specs

From: Jeff Heflin ([email protected])
Date: 10/31/01

Thanks, Peter. I forgot, was somebody going to make a similar update to
the specs on Or did we decide to wait til the W3C Note was
officially published so we could just point to it from


"Peter F. Patel-Schneider" wrote:
> From: Jeff Heflin <[email protected]>
> Subject: Errors in the March 2001 DAML+OIL specs
> Date: Tue, 30 Oct 2001 13:55:22 -0500
> > Hello everyone,
> >
> > I've asked the students in my class to develop their own DAML+OIL
> > ontologies, and in the process we've been putting the March 2001 specs
> > through their paces. Here are a couple of bugs we've found:
> >
> > 1) In the Reference Description, the section on
> > rdf:parseType="daml:collection" does not use the correct syntax in its
> > examples. The example has:
> >
> > <oneOf rdf:parseType="daml:collection">
> >   <Thing rdf:resource="#red"/>
> >   <Thing rdf:resource="#white"/>
> >   <Thing rdf:resource="#blue"/>
> > </oneof>
> >
> > However, the attribute on the Thing elements should be rdf:ID or
> > rdf:about. Why? Each Thing element should be a typedNode (see production
> > 6.13 in Section 6 of RDFM&S) and typed nodes must have either rdf:ID or
> > rdf:about attributes. The rdf:resource attribute is only used with
> > properties. Note that elsewhere in the Reference and in the Walkthrough
> > we consistently use rdf:about or rdf:ID.
> Changed in daml+oil-reference.html (six places).
> > 2) Has the Disjoint class been deleted? daml+oil.daml has a comment to
> > this effect, but the Walkthru still contains two paragraphs on it.
> > Furthermore, it still appears in the index of the Reference document,
> > even though none of the text in the document describes it. If the class
> > has been removed from the language, then we need to remove all traces of
> > it from the documents. If it wasn't supposed to be removed, then we need
> > to rework it, because it's broken (I can explain in a separate message
> > if anyone's interested).
> Disjoint removed from walkthrough (two paragraphs worth).
> Disjoint removed from model theory (one point).
> Disjoint removed from reference (a note, not an index entry).
> > 3) In the Housekeeping section of the Walkthru, the example of
> > daml:imports is missing the "/" before the end of the tag need to
> > indicate that it is an empty element.
> Already fixed.
> > 4) This is kind of nitpicking, but in the Walkthru, Ian is listed under
> > Acknowledgements, even though he is already listed as an editor.
> Already fixed.
> > Is it too late to see if these errors are in the Note submitted to the
> > W3C? I don't know where the current version of it is, so I couldn't
> > check it myself.
> >
> > Jeff
> Note: no changes required to any .daml files.
> peter

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