Re: who holds copyright on DAML+OIL?

From: Mike Dean ([email protected])
Date: 08/16/01

> Who holds copyright on DAML+OIL?

My guess is that there's no single legal entity (given that
the Joint Committee isn't a legal entity).

DARPA contracts normally give "commercial rights" (i.e.  use
other than by the U.S. Government) to the contractor.  Peter
and the E.U. participants aren't covered by DARPA anyway.

> I may need something in writing from each of those folks
> releasing copyright or granting W3C rights to create
> derivative works or something, in order to use DAML+OIL
> as the basis of W3C work.

I expect that's the likely path.  Is there anyone who would
be unwilling or unable to provide such a statement?

If it isn't resolved beforehand, I'll add this to the agenda
for Tuesday.


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