who holds copyright on DAML+OIL?

From: Dan Connolly ([email protected])
Date: 08/15/01

Jim, Mike, and everybody,

Who holds copyright on DAML+OIL?

A while back, I think TimBL set an expectation that it
would get formally submitted to W3C, which would involve a clear
statement from a W3C member about copyright and
any other intellectual property.

But... umm... I didn't get that to happen.

The following folks are credited on the index page:

     Ian Horrocks, editor 
     Frank van Harmelen, editor 
     Peter Patel-Schneider, editor 
     Tim Berners-Lee 
     Dan Brickley 
     Dan Connolly 
     Mike Dean 
     Stefan Decker 
     Dieter Fensel 
     Pat Hayes 
     Jeff Heflin 
     Jim Hendler 
     Ora Lassila 
     Deb McGuinness 
     Lynn Andrea Stein 

I may need something in writing from each of those folks
releasing copyright or granting W3C rights to create
derivative works or something, in order to use DAML+OIL
as the basis of W3C work.

But I'd rather hear that some pre-existing relationship
with DARPA means that JimH can assign all the relevant
rights in one step. Or something.


Dan Connolly, W3C http://www.w3.org/People/Connolly/

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