Coordination points between RDF(S) and DAML+OIL

From: Frank van Harmelen ([email protected])
Date: 07/11/01

Dan, Brian,

As you know, DAML+OIL is built on top of RDF/RDF Schema.  Now that the
RDF Core Working Group has started its activities, the "joint committee"
who has designed DAML+OIL has written a document that describes which
areas of RDF and RDF Schema need attention based on our experiences with
defining DAML+OIL as an extension of RDF Schema. We present the document
to the RDF Core WG as input for your activities.

You can find the document at

We hope you will find this material useful input to the RDF Core WG.
This is a public document, so feel free to distribute it inside and/or
outside the RDF Core WG, as you see fit.

On behalf of the "joint committee for DAML+OIL",

Frank van Harmelen.
[email protected]    
Department of AI, Faculty of Sciences,  Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
de Boelelaan 1081a, 1081HV Amsterdam, The Netherlands
tel (+31)-20-444 7731 fax&voicemail (+31)-84-8722806



This document describes which areas of RDF and RDF Schema need attention
based on our experiences with defining DAML+OIL as an extension of RDF
Schema. It is input from the DAML+OIL Joint Committee to the RDF Core
working group.


    what does DAML+OIL depend on from RDF(S) 
        RDF triple structure 
        RDF Schema constructions 
    what does DAML+OIL not use at all 
    what changes does DAML+OIL require in RDF(S) 
        multiple domains with intersection semantics 
        multiple ranges with intersection semantics 
        cycles in subclass- and subproperty-hierarchies 
    what areas of RDF(S) problematic 
        Syntax of URIs: 
        Semantics of URIs:

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