Re: rule proto-proposal

From: Peter F. Patel-Schneider ([email protected])
Date: 05/31/01

From: Stefan Decker <[email protected]>
Subject: Re: rule proto-proposal
Date: Wed, 30 May 2001 09:36:42 -0700

> Peter,
> > > If we built a rule language for processing of RDF data it is necessary to
> > > distinguish
> > > different sets of RDF data. One example where it is important to
> > > distinguish between
> > > different kind sets of RDF data is when it comes from different sources,
> > > and that
> > > it originates from different sources is a property of the data.
> > > There are other applications areas, e.g. the computation of different
> > > semantics (see my RDF Schema
> > > example).
> >
> >I have grave doubts about this sort of extension to RDF without having any
> >notion of belief or knowledge, because this is what the ability to
> >distinguish between the sources of information boils down to.

> The first thing necessary is to be able to distinguish between different 
> sources.
> You (and others) are free to built what mechanism is needed on top of it.
> Stefan

But if I don't know what these tags mean how can I work with them?  In
particular, RDFS seems to specify that some triples should be inferred from
the presence of others.  How are these inferred triples to be handled?


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