Re: No Joint Committee telecon today - but language meeting tomorrow

From: Kelly Barber ([email protected])
Date: 02/13/01

> as presumably everyone knows, there will be a language breakout meeting
> tomorrow at the daml PI meeting from 9 am - 12 noon eastern time.

There is a time change from the message Deb sent out.  The time is from
10:00 to noon EST.
The first hour will be used for introducing the lab and giving a demo of
some of the tools.

> I am also told that there will be a phone line and a speaker phone in the
> room - i am expecting that mike or some other person who knows logistics
> provide the phone number.

The phone number for those who wish to call into tomorrow's language meeting

    U.S.:  888-483-2662

    outside U.S.:  +1-310-312-5889

    Enter passcode 6428 followed by the # sign

> if someone posts a chat, we will display that (my default will be to use
> one we are using today - sw on  I have a laptop from which i
> will connect and display this using a projector.

We suggest using (channel #daml-lang).  This channel will be
See for more information on the irc chats,
including the
password for the irc server.


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