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DAML Mailing Lists

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This page contains a list of DAML mailing lists. Please contact [email protected] with any problems or questions.

These lists are closed as of 2006-01-31.

DAML discussions also take place on the public [email protected] list. This list's archive can be found here.

List NameDescriptionSearchArchive
daml-api Discussions about programmatic interfaces for creating and manipulating DAML Ontologies from within application programs. SearchArchive
daml-apps Discussions to reach a consensus on a DAML Killer Applications. SearchArchive
daml-esg Discussions on use of DAML to support Navy Expeditionary Sensor Grid (ESG) project. SearchArchive
daml-graphicalInformation on graphical modeling of DAML ontologies in UML, PowerPoint, and other representations.SearchArchive
daml-help This is essentially the DAML Help Desk, where the general public can ask questions related to their use of the DAML language and tools. Questions are generally handled by the DAML integration team, who will forward them to other participants in the DAML program as required. SearchArchive
daml-language Language specific aspects of DAML. Most language discussions take place on the [email protected] email list. SearchArchive
daml-lifecycleIssues related to the creation, use, and processing of DAML content: tools, infrastructure, usage patterns, data sets, etc. SearchArchive
daml-reasoning Discussions about various topics related to DAML and reasoning. SearchArchive
daml-security Discussions about the use of DAML for a variety of security related problems. SearchArchive
daml-servicesDiscussions related to the use of DAML to describe and access Web-based services.SearchArchive
daml-spatialDiscussions related to the development of geo-spatial ontologies.SearchArchive
daml-time Discussions about the use of DAML ontologies to describe temporal concepts. SearchArchive
daml-translationDiscussions related to the technical issues involved in translating among DAML ontologies.SearchArchive
daml-xsb Discussions related to the use of the XSB logic programming and deductive database system (http://xsb.sourceforge.net) as a reasoning engine for DAML. SearchArchive
owl-forge SearchArchive
joint-committee Announcements and discussion among members of the Joint Committee. SearchArchive

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