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PalmDAML is an implementation of DAML Viewer for the PalmOS family of organizers.


The current architecture of PalmDAML is shown below.

PalmDAML Architecture

URIs or local files containing DAML are processed by the Windows or Unix daml2pdb application to produce a Palm Database (.pdb) file which is HotSync'd to the device using Palm Desktop. These are then used by the PalmDAML application running on the Palm.


Locate the PalmDAML application by clicking the Applications button and selecting All categories (if necessary).

Click on the PalmDAML application to start it.

PalmDAML initially displays a screen showing the number of records (unique resource URIs or literal values) in the loaded database.
DB Size
Clicking Proceed will produce the Nodes View.

The Nodes View provides a list of the URIs for all resources referenced in the document. Because of limited space, only the file name and #reference portion of the URI is normally displayed. The arrows (when visible) allow you to scroll up and down the list a screen at a time.
Nodes View

Clicking on a URI provides a Node View showing all of the statements involving that node.
Node View
The Node View consists of 3 areas:

Node View supports several interactions

You can also click on the Find icon to search for a specific string prefix in a Literal or URI. There may be a noticeable delay while search a large DAML database.
This produces a list of matching nodes.
Find Results
Clicking on a match results in a Node View of that match.
Matching Literal

Installation Instructions

  1. Download the PalmDAML.prc executable and a database such as homework.pdb.
  2. Start Palm Desktop.
  3. Click Install.
  4. Click Add and select the downloaded PalmDAML.prc file.
  5. Click Add and select the downloaded .pdb file.
  6. Click Done.
  7. HotSync your Palm.
  8. On the Palm, select the Home/Applications icon and click All Categories.
  9. Click PalmDAML.


The table below includes the PalmDAML executable application and several sample databases. HotSync them to your device using the Install option in Palm Desktop.

Databases with large numbers of records can literally take hours to HotSync. The shareware PDBcruncher application can reduce this time by 100x. PDBcrunched versions of the databases are also provided below.

File PDBcrunched File Records Kb Description
PalmDAML.prc N/A N/A 23 PalmDAML application
homework.pdb !homework.pdb 5143 567 collected results of DAML Homework Assignment 1
royal92.pdb !royal92.pdb 14072 1437 genealogy of European royalty
call.pdb !call.pdb 35355 3846 CALL Thesaurus
beer.pdb !beer.pdb 73 9 beer ontology
wine.pdb !wine.pdb 572 85 wine ontology
lifecycle.pdb !lifecycle.pdb 1117 105 DAML Researchers, Tools, Lifecycle, and Signup
ontologies.pdb !ontologies.pdb 1298 140 DAML Ontology Library summary
opencyc.pdb !opencyc.pdb 11567 2276 OpenCyc

Creating Your Own Databases

The daml2pdb program can be used to create your own .pdb files from DAML databases. It takes the following command line arguments:

java daml2pdb [-start URI] [-description string] outputfilename.pdb <URI | inputfile> ...

where the optional start URI identifies an initial node to view (otherwise, PalmDAML will start with the NodesView) and the optional description string is included as a comment in the database.

You can download the daml2pdb.java program and a sample script to run it. daml2pdb requires Java 2 and RDF API.

Implementation Details

see here

Possible Future Directions


Mike Dean and Jack Margerison
$Id: index.xml,v 1.21 2002/04/11 17:39:26 kmbarber Exp $