DAML Viewer

DAML Viewer provides a means to view the instances found in a DAML document.


DAML Viewer initially displays a URI Input window
URI Input
Either browse for a local file or enter the URI of a document containing DAML, e.g. and then click Fetch to obtain the Nodes View.

The Nodes View provides a list of the URIs for all resources referenced in the document.
Nodes View

Nodes View provides several menu options

Clicking on a URI provides a Node View showing all of the statements involving that node.
Node View
The Node View lists all of the statements involving the specified URI. Node View supports several interactions

Use as an Applet

DAML Viewer is available as an applet, which can be downloaded to run in your browser (Netscape or Internet Explorer). It requires the Java 2.0 Plug-in.

Use as an Application

DAML Viewer is also available as an open source downloadable application.
  1. Download JDK 1.3 or later, if you don't have it already.
  2. Download our slightly modified RDF-API which does not crash on rdf:datatype (original).
  3. Download and unzip DAML Viewer 2000-11-21. You can use "jar xvf" to unzip on Unix systems.
  4. Edit viewer.bat (Windows) or viewer.csh (Unix) to change any installation path on your system.
  5. Run viewer.bat or viewer.csh


Mike Dean and Kelly Barber

$Id: index.html,v 1.9 2001/03/12 15:41:31 mdean Exp $