Re: Joint Committee telecon tomorrow 22 June

From: Deborah L. McGuinness ([email protected])
Date: 06/22/04

  • Next message: Peter F. Patel-Schneider: "Re: Joint Committee telecon tomorrow 22 June"
    sorry - regrets for today's telecon.
    i got a question today though that i was not sure of the answer and it 
    would be great if you have one.
    is it an expected use scenario that swrl and owl can reside in the same 
    is there a url that can be pointed to that has an example of that kind 
    of usage?
    Mike Dean wrote:
    >We'll have our weekly telecon tomorrow (June 22) from 4-5pm EDT, 1-2pm PDT,
    >and corresponding times in other locations.
    >The dial-in numbers are
    >  U.S.:  866-453-5550
    >  outside U.S.:  +1-678-460-1860
    >  After dialing, enter 3784085#
    >  If you're asked, the chairperson is Mike Dean
    >A parallel logged IRC session will be available on the #joint-committee
    >channel at (see for the server
    >Below is a draft agenda; additions are welcome.
    >      Mike
    >agenda updates/additions
    >minutes deferred
    >  minimalist proposal [1] (Peter - 15 min)
    >  FOL RuleML [2] (Harold, et al - 15 min) 
    >  next steps (all - 20 min)
    >next week
    >  Converging SCL's XCL and SWRL's RuleML for FOL Extensions [3]
     Deborah L. McGuinness 
     Associate Director Knowledge Systems Laboratory 
     Gates Computer Science Building, 2A Room 241 
     Stanford University, Stanford, CA 94305-9020 
     email: [email protected]
     (voice) 650 723 9770    (stanford fax) 650 725 5850   (computer fax)  801 705 0941

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