Converging SCL's XCL and SWRL's RuleML for FOL Extensions

From: Boley, Harold ([email protected])
Date: 06/08/04

  • Next message: Pat Hayes: "SCL document now on website"
    Hi JC Colleagues,
    as we envisaged in today's Joint Committee telecon,
    the XML notation for SCL, XCL (,
    and the XML notation for SWRL rules, RuleML (,
    could be converged for the FOL extensions to SWRL.
    Today we also discussed the (URI-)naming of layered FOL subsets
    that contain the current Horn/DL combination.
    One such FOL subset could add explicit, nested quantifiers to SWRL rules
    (as suggested for the Issues List); another could add disjunction /
    classical negation.
    Implications in XCL could be converged to the RuleML Horn-rule syntax.
    Formulas beyond SWRL's Horn/DL combination could benefit from XCL.
    Appended is an example using an implication from the above XCL draft.
    XCL, Section 3.3. Core Elements, uses a sorted notation:
    (FORALLx:TrailerTruck) => eighteenWheeler(x)
        <xcl xmlns="">
            <conn name="implies">
              <quant name="forall" variable="x">
              <pred name="eighteenWheeler">
                <term name="x"/>
    To keep things simple, let's use TrailerTruck as a unary predicate here:
    FORALL(?x)TrailerTruck(?x) => eighteenWheeler(?x)
    The current RuleML 0.85 assumes implicit quantifiers, obtaining:
    For RuleML 0.9 explicit quantifiers are envisaged as an option, here
    introducing a type tag <forall> with role tags <_bind> and <_form>
    for its 'variable-binding' child and its 'formula' child, respectively:
    The type tag <exists> can employ the same child elements.

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