Re: datatype comparisons and arithmetic conversions

From: Benjamin Grosof ([email protected])
Date: 12/16/03

  • Next message: David Martin: "OpenMath and MathML-Content expressions"
    Hi folks,
    Some comments:
    Mike:  On first quick pass:  I like all your suggestions.  Thanks for 
    getting us rolling so well!
    Said:  what's the current status of the list of 
    arithmetic/comparison/string/list built-ins you (plus I and Harold) have 
    been working on?
    That included stuff drawn from looking at other systems/standards (like 
    Prolog and Jess) as well as from XML-Schema / XQuery.
    I think you're the maintainer of that list/document.
    Most importantly:  is there any stuff there we should include that's not in 
    the XML-Schema / XQuery set of stuff?
    I think maybe not, but we should remember to consider that, don't you think?
    At 10:31 PM 12/15/2003 -0800, you wrote:
    >This message extends my previous proposal [1] for datatype comparisons
    >and arithmetic conversions.  It builds off XQuery [2] and XQuery 1.0
    >and XPath 2.0 Functions and Operators [3], which in turn build off XML
    >Schema Datatypes.
    >My current thought is to introduce 2 new atoms
    >   swrlx:comparisonAtom which takes an xs:boolean-returning XQuery
    >   operator or function and 2 ordered arguments, each of which may be a
    >   variable, dataLiteral, or expression.  A swrlx:comparisonAtom could
    >   only appear in the head of a rule.
    >   swrlx:bindAtom which takes a d-variable and an expression
    >and a new element
    >   swrlx:expression which takes an XQuery operator or function and a
    >   variable number of ordered arguments, each of which may be a
    >   variable, dataLiteral, or expression
    >Here are extended XML Concrete Syntax encodings of the previous
    >   <!-- free shipping on orders over $50 -->
    >   <ruleml:imp>
    >     <ruleml:_body>
    >       <swrlx:classAtom>
    >         <owlx:Class owlx:name="Order"/>
    >         <ruleml:var>order</ruleml:var>
    >       </swrlx:classAtom>
    >       <swrlx:datavaluedPropertyAtom swrlx:property="cost">
    >         <ruleml:var>order</ruleml:var>
    >         <ruleml:var>cost</ruleml:var>
    >       </swrlx:datavaluedPropertyAtom>
    >       <swrlx:comparisonAtom swrlx:op="&op;numeric-greater-than">
    >         <ruleml:var>cost</ruleml:var>
    >         <owlx:DataValue owlx:datatype="&xsd;integer">50</owlx:DataValue>
    >       </swrlx:comparisonAtom>
    >     </ruleml:_body>
    >     <ruleml:_head>
    >       <swrlx:datavaluedPropertyAtom swrlx:property="shipping">
    >         <ruleml:var>order</ruleml:var>
    >         <owlx:DataValue owlx:datatype="&xsd;integer">0</owlx:DataValue>
    >       </swrlx:datavaluedPropertyAtom>
    >     </ruleml:_head>
    >   </ruleml:imp>
    >   <!-- convert temperature from Fahrenheit to Celsius -->
    >   <ruleml:imp>
    >     <ruleml:_body>
    >       <swrlx:datavaluedPropertyAtom swrlx:property="fahrenheitTemp">
    >         <ruleml:var>x</ruleml:var>
    >         <ruleml:var>f</ruleml:var>
    >       </swrlx:datavaluedPropertyAtom>
    >       <swrlx:bindAtom swrlx:var="c">
    >         <swrlx:expression swrlx:op="&op;numeric-integer-divide">
    >           <swrlx:expression swrlx:op="&op;numeric-multiply">
    >             <swrlx:expression swrlx:op="&op;numeric-subtract">
    >               <ruleml:var>f</ruleml:var>
    >               <owlx:DataValue
    >             </swrlx:expression>
    >             <owlx:DataValue owlx:datatype="&xsd;integer">5</owlx:DataValue>
    >           </swrlx:expression>
    >           <owlx:DataValue owlx:datatype="&xsd;integer">9</owlx:DataValue>
    >         </swrlx:expression>
    >       </swrlx:bindAtom>
    >     </ruleml:_body>
    >     <ruleml:_head>
    >       <swrlx:datavaluedPropertyAtom swrlx:property="celsiusTemp">
    >         <ruleml:var>x</ruleml:var>
    >         <ruleml:var>c</ruleml:var>
    >       </swrlx:datavaluedPropertyAtom>
    >     </ruleml:_head>
    >   </ruleml:imp>
    >We would presumably impose some restrictions on variables (e.g. only a
    >new variable not used in previous atoms within a rule can appear as a
    >swrlx:bindAtom swrlx:var and only variables used in previous atoms can
    >appear within swrlx:expression elements) so that SWRL engines wouldn't
    >have to include an equation solver.
    >We would presumably require SWRL implementations to support some set
    >of operators, and could allow implementations to support additional
    >user-defined operators and functions with their own URIs.  I think
    >we'd want to omit support for the XQuery functions involving nodes and
    >sequences ([3] sections 14 and 15 and some of 16).
    >[3] provides URIs for its functions, but unfortunately not for its
    >operators, expecting XPath, XQuery, and XSLT, to use +, >, *, etc.
    >I'd suggest that we define our own namespace for op:, but use their
    >QNames plus possibly some additions like
    >         Mike
    Prof. Benjamin Grosof
    Web Technologies for E-Commerce, Business Policies, E-Contracting, Rules, 
    XML, Agents, Semantic Web Services
    MIT Sloan School of Management, Information Technology group or

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