Re: easy question about Rules proposal

From: David Martin ([email protected])
Date: 11/11/03

  • Next message: Benjamin Grosof: "another issue for the issues list and agenda for discussion today"
    Peter F. Patel-Schneider wrote:
    > From: David Martin <[email protected]>
    > Subject: easy question about Rules proposal
    > Date: Mon, 10 Nov 2003 23:03:36 -0800
    >>Folks (esp. Ian and Peter) -
    >>I have a question about the Ian/Peter Rules Language proposal, which is 
    >>minor but important in the sense that I want to get some examples right 
    >>in something I'm writing.
    >>Why in the following example (and I think all the examples in
    >>is "owlx:name" used, both at point of definition and point of reference, 
    >>instead of using rdf:ID and rdf:resource?
    > Because this is not RDF/XML, but is instead an extension of the OWL XML
    > presentation syntax (for a pointer see the proposal itself), and conforms
    > to that syntax.  I note that the OWL XML presentation syntax uses owlx as a
    > namespace reference; there is no commitment (yet) as to whether the OWL
    > rules should share namespaces with the OWL XML presentation syntax.
    Thanks.  I guess if I'd looked more carefully, I would have seen that 
    things were done differently in the RDF/XML versions of your examples.
    - David
    > peter
    >>   <owlx:antecedent>
    >>     <owlx:individualPropertyAtom  owlx:property="hasParent">
    >>       <owlx:Variable owlx:name="x1" />
    >>       <owlx:Variable owlx:name="x2" />
    >>     </owlx:individualPropertyAtom>
    >>     <owlx:individualPropertyAtom  owlx:property="hasBrother">
    >>       <owlx:Variable owlx:name="x2" />
    >>       <owlx:Variable owlx:name="x3" />
    >>     </owlx:individualPropertyAtom>
    >>   </owlx:antecedent>
    >>   <owlx:consequent>
    >>     <owlx:individualPropertyAtom  owlx:property="hasUncle">
    >>       <owlx:Variable owlx:name="x1" />
    >>       <owlx:Variable owlx:name="x3" />
    >>     </owlx:individualPropertyAtom>
    >>   </owlx:consequent>

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