Re: rules document

From: Dan Brickley ([email protected])
Date: 11/03/03

  • Next message: Mike Dean: "Joint Committee telecon tomorrow 4 November"
    Quick question:
    What's the status of DAML Query w.r.t. this work? Is 
    Query subsumed except for the protocol aspects? Are there
    clear points of overlap (builtins, datatypes etc.)? 
    Any lessons for those of us at W3C looking into possibility 
    of chartering new work in these areas? 
    * Mike Dean <[email protected]> [2003-11-03 09:11-0800]
    > The documents from Peter are now available at [1], with a
    > link from [2].  Folks with CVS access can now update as
    > necessary (CVS updates will be applied nightly, or can be
    > copied in directly).
    > 	Mike
    > [1]
    > [2]

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