RE: my notes from today's JC telecon on Rules draft, DAML PI Mtg plans, OMG

From: Wagner, G.R. ([email protected])
Date: 10/09/03

  • Next message: Mike Dean: "Joint Committee telecon today 14 October"
    > action item for Said and Gerd:  please send pointers to the RFP's and
    > about MOF, maybe write a paragraph
    1) Business Semantics of Business Rules Request For Proposal
       OMG Document: br/2003-06-03
       Letters of Intent due: December 8, 2003
       Submissions due: January 12, 2004
    2) Production Rule Representation Request For Proposal
       OMG Document: bei/2003-08-04
       Letters of Intent due: November 11, 2003
       Submissions due: February, 2004
    Cited from 1:
    In the terms of the Meta-Object Facility (MOF), the metamodel describes 
    the structures in terms of objects, properties and relationships among them. 
    A set of business rules captured in such a set of structures is a "model" 
    of a particular business (or part of it) and is an "instance of the metamodel".
    In MOF terms, the Business Rules Metamodel consists of two major components:
    *'Abstract syntax', which presents the linguistic elements of a business rule,
    together with their properties and relationships, as a UML class diagram,
    using MOF 2.0.
    *'Static semantics': well-formedness rules for constructing a meaningful
    population of the abstract syntax model, stated as constraints on the 
    meta-classes, the meta-associations (relationships), and the meta-attribute 
    values (properties). These constraints are usually stated in OCL.

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