From: Mike Dean ([email protected])
Date: 09/16/03

  • Next message: Mike Dean: "Re: Updated: CONCRETE SYNTAX FOR RULES LITE"
    Harold (and Said),
    Thanks for the update.
    > Webizing
    > ========
    > Individuals as well as unary and binary predicates can be webized
    > by augmenting or replacing their symbolic names by URIs, so that
    > three possibilities result (omitting the fourth possibility of
    > anonymous individuals/predicates that have neither symbolic names
    > nor URIs):
    > *1* Only symbolic names (the pre-webized situation).
    > *2* Both symbolic names and URIs.
    > *3* Only URIs (the RDF situation).
    > ...
    >   <facto>
    >     <_opr href="">oceanpair</_opr>
    >     <ind href=""/>
    >   </facto>
    I'm (still) concerned that the term Webizing, the
    presentation, and the examples make URI naming seem like an
    afterthought or second-class citizen, which I think will
    alienate the RDF/OWL community (our initial audience at the
    meetings in October).  At the very least, I think we should
    include more RDF examples, show use and/or importing of
    facts in RDF, refer to dereference-able OWL ontologies using
    RDF naming conventions with #fragments, reverse cases 2 and
    3, and cast use of both local and URI names (now case 3) as
    the unusual situation.  I'll volunteer to contribute the
    I'd also be very comfortable with just using, e.g.,
      <_opr href="#name"/>
    for local names, and dispensing with the use of
    It may also/alternatively be appropriate to have a version
    of the document tailored specifically to the RDF/OWL community.

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