Jena 2 rule engine

From: Mike Dean ([email protected])
Date: 09/02/03

  • Next message: Mike Dean: "[Said Tabet: notes from September 2 telecon]"
    Jena 2 [1], which was released late last week, includes a
    general purpose rule engine [2], which supports RETE-based
    forward chaining, LP-based backward chaining with tabling,
    hybrid reasoning, a binary datalog rule language, an ASCII
    syntax, an initial set of builtin procedural primitives, and
    validation.  Given the widespread use of Jena 1 within the
    Semantic Web community, I think this will get a lot of
    exposure.  It seems roughly compatible with our current
    I believe the primary developer of the rule engine and other
    inference support in Jena 2 is Dave Reynolds of HP Labs Bristol.

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