Re: extended inference use case

From: pat hayes ([email protected])
Date: 02/04/03

  • Next message: Benjamin Grosof: "Re: extended inference use case"
    >I think we want to include something like this, although it
    >would probably be better as part of a larger Web Services or
    >other application use case.
    >   OWL places some limitations on expressivity to retain
    >   tractability.  A frequently cited limitation is "property
    >   chaining", the ability to express constraints among
    >   multiple properties.  We can augment an OWL ontology with
    >   additional inference rules.
    >   Several examples:
    >     2 siblings have the same father, i.e.
    >       sibling(S1, S2)
    >       father(S1, F)
    >       =>
    >       father(S2, F)
    Thats a dangerous rule if left to itself:
    father(S2, F)
    >     a Debtor is a Person whose (cumulative) liabilities
    >     exceed his (cumulative) assets
    That requires some arithmetic integrated into the rule-firing, right? 
    Obviously handy, but probably requires a lot of extra machinery.
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