Re: deSkolemizing to get Horn-expressivity with RDF rules

From: Sandro Hawke ([email protected])
Date: 11/26/02

  • Next message: Deborah McGuinness: "Re: Joint Committee telecon tomorrow 26 November"
    > Hi Sandro,
    > > > As I hinted at in a different thread, it should be helpful to exchange
    > > > our experience with rule engines such as cwm/n3 and Mandarax/RuleML or
    > > > j-DREW/RuleML.
    > > 
    > > What would you suggest?   Our cwm/n3 work is all in a public cvs
    > > repository, but it hasn't been properly written up.  We're still
    > > trying to understand what aspects of it are novel and/or useful.   Do
    > > you have ideas for a process that might work here?
    > We could jointly announce, on rdf-rules, to start an exchange of experience
    > about rule engines and tools between N3, RuleML, and related rule languages:
    I think we already did that when we created the list...
    > For this purpose we are collecting use cases beginning with three initial
    > examples. Further use-case proposals should be sent to rdf-rules.
    Sounds great (if a lot of work to detail!)
        -- sandro

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