RE: deSkolemizing to get Horn-expressivity with RDF rules

From: mburke ([email protected])
Date: 11/22/02

  • Next message: Benjamin Grosof: "RE: deSkolemizing to get Horn-expressivity with RDF rules"
    Please make sure that there  are adequate use cases, related to DAML-S
    I believe DAML-Services has a critical need for the rule language.
    Murray A. Burke
    Program Manager
    3701 N. Fairfax Drive		Phone: 703-696-2303
    Arlington, VA 22203-1714	Fax:   517-218-4550
    mailto: [email protected]	DSN:        426-2303
    -----Original Message-----
    From: Harold Boley [mailto:[email protected]] 
    Sent: Wednesday, November 20, 2002 10:16 PM
    To: Sandro Hawke
    Cc: [email protected]
    Subject: Re: deSkolemizing to get Horn-expressivity with RDF rules
    Hi Sandro,
    > > As I hinted at in a different thread, it should be helpful to exchange
    > > our experience with rule engines such as cwm/n3 and Mandarax/RuleML or
    > > j-DREW/RuleML.
    > What would you suggest?   Our cwm/n3 work is all in a public cvs
    > repository, but it hasn't been properly written up.  We're still
    > trying to understand what aspects of it are novel and/or useful.   Do
    > you have ideas for a process that might work here?
    We could jointly announce, on rdf-rules, to start an exchange of experience
    about rule engines and tools between N3, RuleML, and related rule languages:
    . . .
    For this purpose we are collecting use cases beginning with three initial
    examples. Further use-case proposals should be sent to rdf-rules.
    One example of these, GEDCOM, already happens to be in the N3 collection,, as well as in the RuleML
    collection, Further ones could also find their way into
    these individual collections or, a common collection could be established.
    1. GEDCOM (Author: Mike Dean)
    This has already been used to demonstrate aspects of N3 and RuleML.
    2. Authentication (Author: Tim Berners-Lee)
    Versions of an authentication rule have been written in both N3 and RuleML;
    these could be jointly extended.
    3. Open ...
    Our rule engines will be tried on these examples to compare and possibly
    later align:
    * Expressiveness
     - Triples
     - Horn rules
     - Negation
     - Contexts/Modules
     - Other
    * Built-ins
     - Arithmetics
     - Sequences
     - Other
    * Basic bottom-up and top-down derivation, as well as combined techniques
      (e.g., cashing/tabeling)
     - Memory use
     - Response time
    * Rule interpretation
    * Rule compilation
     - SQL
     - Rete
     - WAM
    * Rule transformation
     - XSLT-based
     - Other
    * Rule development tools
     - Editors
     - Validators
     - Cross-referencers
    * Web-tool embedding
     - Client-side embedding
     - Server-side embedding
    * Conventional-software integration
     - Rule-engine API and programming-language interfaces
     - Database and data bindings

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