the use and abuse of meta

From: Peter F. Patel-Schneider ([email protected])
Date: 12/06/01

		Stupid (?) Meta Tricks

Here are some interesting tricks that can be played in SWOL.  I don't think
that they cause any semantic problems, but I am uneasy concerning their
computational implications.  (I'll use a synthetic syntax for ease of


John in (or (all foo TransitiveProperty) (all foo Person))
John in (fills foo ra)

OK, let's disallow things like TransitiveProperty in disjunctive


John in (or (fills foo ra) (fills foo rb))
John in (all foo TransitiveProperty)

OK, let's disallow things like TransitiveProperty in descriptions.


foo rdfs:range TransitiveProperty .
John in (or (fills foo ra) (fills foo rb))

What can we disallow here?  Things like TransitiveProperty are already
ranges in RDF.


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