Re: DAML+OIL Expressivity Question

From: Deborah McGuinness ([email protected])
Date: 11/08/01

that is doable.
there will be a number of daml:foo s  and they will have a lot of arguments
and a lot of implications  thus the english description of them will not be
compact but doable.

I guess then i should add a request to what i said people might send me - a
proposed daml syntax for the new request as well.
i am not expecting any one person to send everything  but eventually we want
to fill in the template.

And on the notion of DAML+OIL layers,  I would claim that we will put the
daml:foos in a non-core layer.
While we at stanford will want to update our daml parsers to understand the
fancy foo's we dont want to break all of the existing tools every time we
add a new foo.
while the daml+oil core may find a fair amount of stability, i expect the
foos to keep growing.


Jim Hendler wrote:

> Deb-
>   think you missed my point.  Instead of making humans figure out that
> instead of
> <daml:foo> xxx </daml:foo>
> they should do
> <daml:bar
>     <daml:toRestriction
>        <daml:max-cardinality> 22 </daml:maxcardinality>
>        <daml:subclass> zippy </daml:subclass>
>        <daml:subclass> pippy </daml:subclass>
>     <daml:toRestriction>
>    baz bang
>   </daml:bar>
> we could put daml:foo in the language, and let the theorem provers
> and other tools "expand it" in some way to the correct meaning.
> Another way to say this is to remember that minimality is not
> necessarily a good thing -- even though we can do logic with just OR
> and NOT, it is still useful to have AND and IMPLY  (or to have both
> addition and subtraction signs in math)  Sometimes making the
> language "more complicated" (by adding an extra word) can actually
> make it simpler for users -- and since it is a necessary criterion,
> and one which I will hold the webont WG to, that users must NOT have
> to take a KR class to use webont, we may need to make some tradeoffs
> in the real world...
>   -JH
> --
> Professor James Hendler                           [email protected]
> Director, Semantic Web and Agent Technologies     301-405-2696
> Maryland Information and Network Dynamics Lab.    301-405-6707 (Fax)
> AV Williams Building, Univ of Maryland            College Park, MD 20742

 Deborah L. McGuinness
 Knowledge Systems Laboratory
 Gates Computer Science Building, 2A Room 241
 Stanford University, Stanford, CA 94305-9020
 email: [email protected]
 (voice) 650 723 9770    (stanford fax) 650 725 5850   (computer fax)  801
705 0941

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