Re: new model theory for DAML+OIL

From: Dan Connolly ([email protected])
Date: 10/11/01

"Peter F. Patel-Schneider" wrote:
> Typing through local type names:
>    The following should be satisfiable:
>         <Person rdf:ID="Mary">
>           <streetAddress xsi:type="xsd:string">05</streetAddress>
>           <age xsi:type="xsd:integer">06</age>
>         </Person>

What language is that? I can't parse it as RDF 1.0.

> Typing from XML Schema:
>    The following should be allowed:
>         <xsd:element name="item">
>           <xsd:complexType>
>            <xsd:sequence>
>              <xsd:element name="quantity" type="xsd:integer">
>            </xsd:sequence>
>           </xsd:complexType>
>         </xsd:element name="item">
>         <item>
>           <quantity>1</quantity>
>         </item>

Likewise, I can't tell what language that's supposed to be either.

Dan Connolly, W3C

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