Re: Joint Committee telecon tomorrow 25 September

From: Dan Brickley ([email protected])
Date: 09/24/01

(+cc: brian mcbride, rdfcore co-chair)

On Mon, 24 Sep 2001, Mike Dean wrote:

> We'll have our weekly telecon tomorrow (September 25) from
> 4-5pm EDT, 1-2pm PDT, and corresponding times in other
> locations.
> The dial-in numbers are
>   U.S.:  800-298-9646
>   outside U.S.:  +1-904-779-4740
>   If you're asked, the chairperson is Jack Cater (one of my
>   coworkers).
> A parallel logged IRC session will be available on the
> #joint-committee channel at (see
> for the server password).
> Below is a draft agenda; additions are welcome.
>       Mike
> agenda updates/additions
> announcements
> minutes from September 18
> any updates on submission
> query
>   RDQL (Frank, Mike, et al)
>   DQL and RQL (Richard) [2]

(nice summary from Richard;  FWIW I agree with Richard's analysis of RDL
'vs' DQL, and think this is consistent with the way the SquishQL work is

>   Information Exchanged During Query-Answering [3]
> RDF Core WG (Pat, Mike, Ora, et al)
>   has officially dropped prohibition against cycles in
>   subClassOf and subPropertyOf

A pedantic qualification: while we (rdfcore) agreed last week that the WG should
drop the prohibition against subClassOf cycles, we weren't 100% clear about
whether this also applies to subPropertyOf. My expecation is that we meant
to drop both, and that this will be clarified in our next meeting
(friday). I should also emphasise that "officially dropped" may be an
overstatement in that we can at this stage only talk about the views of
the Working Group, not W3C as a whole. Our decisions, specs etc haven't
yet received review by the rest of W3C.  That said, I do think these
restrictions will be dropped.


>   Is "daml:collection" a string or a QName?  If the latter,
>   to which namespace does it refer?
> next week
>   TBD
> [1]
> [2]
> [3]

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