Re: thoughts on the new rdfs:subClassOf

From: Peter F. Patel-Schneider ([email protected])
Date: 08/30/01

From: pat hayes <[email protected]>
Subject: Re: thoughts on the new rdfs:subClassOf
Date: Wed, 29 Aug 2001 15:12:38 -0700

> >Here are some thoughts on rdfs:subClassOf.
> >
> >peter
> >
> >
> >	Notes on the new definition of rdfs:subClassOf
> >
> >The RDF Core working group has modified the definition of rdfs:subClassOf
> >to indicate that rdfs:subClassOf means proper subclass.  ....
> NO, what I sent you was a DRAFT which has not been formally 
> considered by the WG yet, let alone approved by them. You saw it 
> first. The WG hasnt 'done' anything about this issue yet, so please 
> don't say that it has.

OK.  My lips are sealed.  :-)  Sorry for implying that this issue was
actually done.


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