[Brian McBride: Re: Coordination points between RDF(S) and DAML+OIL]

From: Mike Dean ([email protected])
Date: 07/18/01

This is a nice message from Brian.

We now bounce non-member submissions to joint-committee as a
spam filter.


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Date: Mon, 16 Jul 2001 14:47:32 +0100
From: Brian McBride <[email protected]>
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To: Frank van Harmelen <[email protected]>
CC: Dan Brickley <[email protected]>, [email protected],
   rdf core <[email protected]>
Subject: Re: Coordination points between RDF(S) and DAML+OIL
References: <[email protected]>
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At its teleconference on Friday 13th July 2001, the RDFCore working
group formally acknowledged receipt of this document.  The preliminary
minutes of this meeting can be found at:


We have taken an action to assess the contents of this document and
to give a first response by the end of this month (July 2001).

Brian McBride
RDFCore co-chair

Frank van Harmelen wrote:
> Dan, Brian,
> As you know, DAML+OIL is built on top of RDF/RDF Schema.  Now that the
> RDF Core Working Group has started its activities, the "joint committee"
> who has designed DAML+OIL has written a document that describes which
> areas of RDF and RDF Schema need attention based on our experiences with
> defining DAML+OIL as an extension of RDF Schema. We present the document
> to the RDF Core WG as input for your activities.
> You can find the document at
> http://www.daml.org/2001/07/RDFS-DAML+OIL-coordination.html
> We hope you will find this material useful input to the RDF Core WG.
> This is a public document, so feel free to distribute it inside and/or
> outside the RDF Core WG, as you see fit.
> On behalf of the "joint committee for DAML+OIL",
> Frank van Harmelen.
>                  ----
> [email protected]              http://www.cs.vu.nl/~frankh
> Department of AI, Faculty of Sciences,  Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
> de Boelelaan 1081a, 1081HV Amsterdam, The Netherlands
> tel (+31)-20-444 7731 fax&voicemail (+31)-84-8722806
> --------
> Abstract:
> This document describes which areas of RDF and RDF Schema need attention
> based on our experiences with defining DAML+OIL as an extension of RDF
> Schema. It is input from the DAML+OIL Joint Committee to the RDF Core
> working group.
> Contents:
>     what does DAML+OIL depend on from RDF(S)
>         RDF triple structure
>         RDF Schema constructions
>     what does DAML+OIL not use at all
>         reification
>         containers
>         meta-classes
>     what changes does DAML+OIL require in RDF(S)
>         multiple domains with intersection semantics
>         multiple ranges with intersection semantics
>         cycles in subclass- and subproperty-hierarchies
>     what areas of RDF(S) problematic
>         syntax
>         normalisation
>         datatypes
>         scoping
>         layering
>         Syntax of URIs:
>         Semantics of URIs:

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