Re: Coordination with RDF Core

From: Dan Brickley ([email protected])
Date: 07/09/01

On Mon, 9 Jul 2001, pat hayes wrote:

> >pat hayes wrote:
> > >
> >[...]
> > > The coreWG has decided that RDF describes containers rather
> > > than, as it were, implementing them, so there is no way to say that
> > > an RDF container has a limited number of items.
> >
> >Really? When/where? pointer?
>  From which it seems to follow that any container description can be partial, eg
> <rdf:Bag>
>    <rdf:_1>1</rdf:_1>
>    <rdf:_2>2</rdf:_2>
> </rdf:Bag>
> may be  a complete description of a bag with two members OR a partial 
> description of a bag with three or more members.
> If I have this wrong, please correct my misunderstanding.

Sounds ok so far. But you say...

> > > than, as it were, implementing them, so there is no way to say that
> > > an RDF container has a limited number of items.

...and I'm puzzled. Maybe I took 'no way to say' in a stronger sense
than intended; additional vocabulary (not currently provided by RDF
Core) would let you do just this, unless I'm missing something...

    <util:bagsize>7</util:bagsize> <!-- or whatever, eg util:last... -->


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