From: Mike Dean (mdean@bbn.com)
Date: 04/25/01

This is an issue that's been concerning me for a while:

The US Department of Defense runs several large classified
operational networks (including SIPRNET) that are physically
separated from the Internet and will continue to be so for
the foreseeable future.  They use DNS, but with their own
naming conventions, e.g. most SIPRNET hosts end in

Many DAML tools expect to be able to find out more
information about ontologies, etc. by dereferencing URIs,
including www.w3.org, www.daml.org, and application sites.
These unclassified sites won't be accessible on these
networks.  The normal practice would probably be to rehost
these URIs at, say, www.daml.mil.smil, but this is likely to
be a configuration management nightmare for any URIs
embedded in software (including RDF parsers, reasoners,

I see a couple likely solutions:

1) Take steps now to get copies of critical www.w3.org,
www.daml.org, and other pages available on these networks
using their normal names (the home pages could clearly
indicate that these are limited copies, so as not to
confuse/worry anybody).

2) If that's not politically feasible, pre-load copies of
these pages in cacheing proxies at user sites.  This is a
much less scalable solution.

Am I missing anything?

I don't think this is an insurmountable problem, but it will
require some planning.  I think the problem is pretty unique
to DoD.


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