Re: comments on Reference description

From: Frank van Harmelen ([email protected])
Date: 03/22/01

> pat hayes wrote:
> [...]
> > abstract class  --> class  (or -->  DAML class , if the point needs
> > emphasising)
> > abstract object --> object
> > abstract domain  --> class domain  (or --> DAML class domain)
> > concrete class --> datatype  (or --> xmls datatype)
> > concrete object --> datatype value
> >
> > I could revise the documentation in the next day or 2 to reflect
> > these changes (and remain grammatical) if people agree that it should
> > be done.
> >
> > Comments??

Dan Connolly wrote:
> I agree this should be done.
> I'd like to hear from MikeD and Frank about what's
> the most straightfoward way to do it; i.e. whether
> we should take you up on the offer above.

I also agree that this should be done. 
During last Tuesdays teleconf, I bowed out of updating the doc's. Peter, Pat and Lynn had offered to take over (and have been already working on it).


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