comments on Reference description

From: pat hayes ([email protected])
Date: 03/21/01

Let me amplify my concerns about the use of the 'abstract' 
terminology, and suggest an alternative that would avoid them. I'm 
sorry if this is being raised rather late in the day, but I was under 
the impression that we had in fact decided to not use this 'abstract 
class' terminology in a telecon a while ago.

Throughout the English-speaking world, and especially in what might 
be called 'ontologically savvy' people, the term 'abstract' has a 
very clear meaning, which is often contrasted with 'physical' or 
'concrete'; which is that something is 'abstract' if it doesn't have 
a physical presence. For example, numbers and properties might be 
called abstract, while things like animals and automobiles are 
definitely not abstract: one can see them, hit them, drill holes in 
them, etc.. This means that the usage of abstract/concrete in the 
DAML documentation is seriously out of line with normal usage; and 
this is particularly  unfortunate when the things it is talking about 
- classes and their contents - are precisely the kinds of thing that 
people use this vocabulary to describe. Many people would say that 
classes are always abstract, for example (not in the DAML sense), so 
that to call Animal an abstract class is acceptable, but a bit odd - 
rather like calling someone a human person - but to say that animals 
are abstract is a mistake, and to say that animals are abstract but 
integers are concrete is completely insane. So by using this 
terminology in this way we are creating a barrier to comprehension 
and a big source of potential confusion, and really for no good 

The solution is very simple: don't refer to 'abstract 
objects/classes' at all, just to 'objects/classes'. All we need to do 
to distinguish 'concrete types' - we should also avoid that usage - 
is to refer to them as what they in fact are, ie values that belong 
to XML Schema datatypes, and we can use 'datatype values' for short, 
and to say vividly and clearly that datatypes are not, and cannot be, 
DAML classes, and that datatype values are not, and cannot be, 
contained in any DAML class. Then we can just translate the current 
terminology as follows:

abstract class  --> class  (or -->  DAML class , if the point needs 
abstract object --> object
abstract domain  --> class domain  (or --> DAML class domain)
concrete class --> datatype  (or --> xmls datatype)
concrete object --> datatype value

I could revise the documentation in the next day or 2 to reflect 
these changes (and remain grammatical) if people agree that it should 
be done.


Pat Hayes

PS.  For example, the following section of the reference manual would 
translate as shown below:

Abstract Objects and Datatype Values

DAML+OIL divides the universe into two parts. One part consists of 
the values that belong to XML Schema datatypes. This part is called 
the datatype
domain. The other part consists of objects that are created within 
DAML+OIL (or RDF). This part is called the abstract domain.

DAML+OIL is mostly concerned with the creation of classes that 
describe (or define) part of the abstract domain. Such classes are 
called abstract classes and
are elements of daml:Class, a subclass of rdfs:Class. DAML+OIL (March 
2001) also allows the use of XML Schema datatypes to describe (or 
part of the datatype domain. These datatypes are used within DAML+OIL 
simply by including their URIs within a DAML+OIL ontology. They are
(implicitly) elements of daml:Datatype.

Objects and Datatype Values

DAML+OIL divides the universe into two parts. One part consists of 
the values that belong to XML Schema datatypes. This part is called 
the datatype
domain. The other part consists of objects that are created within 
DAML+OIL (or RDF). This part is called the class domain.

DAML+OIL is mostly concerned with the creation of classes that 
describe (or define) part of the class domain. Such classes
are elements of daml:Class, a subclass of rdfs:Class. DAML+OIL (March 
2001) also allows the use of XML Schema datatypes to describe (or 
part of the datatype domain. These datatypes are used within DAML+OIL 
simply by including their URIs within a DAML+OIL ontology. They are
(implicitly) elements of daml:Datatype.


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