Re: Concrete types: next steps?

From: Ian Horrocks ([email protected])
Date: 02/01/01

On January 31, Frank van Harmelen writes:
> - The severity of the restriction also depends on the perceived goal of DAML+OIL: [a] is DAML+OIL simply a small step to extend current web-ontology languages (eg. RDF Schema), and will DAML+OIL itself again be extended?
> [b] or is DAML+OIL itself aiming to be a language for "universal use" that should empose as little restrictions as possible? 

I am amazed to discover that there is doubt on this point. As far as I
am concerned it has always been completely clear that we are doing
[a]. We have already discussed additional layers (daml-rules, daml-L,
remember them?) that would extend the language in the direction of
[b], but we agreed to postpone further work on them until after the
establishment of a standardisation process for daml+oil. I have
appended a relevant section of the minutes of our Washington meeting
in December (


Mike Dean presented a draft charter for the committee. Tim Berners-Lee
and Dan Connolly shared the Semantic Web Activity proposal from
W3C. After considerable discussion, our current plan is

    1.We anticipate that W3C will convene a Working Group (probably
the RDF Schema Working Group) to develop an ontology language 

    2.We will package up our then-current language specification (more
below) and contribute it to the Working Group 

    3.We anticipate that W3C will convene a public Interest Group
(probably www-rdf-logic) to focus longer-term on rules and logic. 

    4.We will proceed in parallel with the Interest Group, providing
      it with drafts and experimental results as they become
      available. Many committee members are likely to join the
      Interest Group. Since the W3C Interest Group would
       be public, membership in the Joint Committee can be limited to
       government funded US and EU
       Semantic Web participants plus invited experts. Other groups and activities may similarly contribute to the W3C Interest Group. 

The W3C groups probably won't be formed before March 2001. Most of our activity until then will be focused on preparing our current work for transition. In particular, our
"Rules Subcommittee" will be put on hold. 

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