Re: Joint Committee Minutes 2 January 2001

From: Tim Berners-Lee ([email protected])
Date: 01/05/01

"Dan Connolly's daml:collection parse type pushes the envelope on the RDF
standard, and hasn't yet been implemented in any tools." [1]

Correction not to the minutes but to the facts - I did implement parsing
this in
I also introduced a lisp-like (list) syntax into N3 for the same semantics.
There are some minor differences between the spec at the time and
the code - one in the namespaces for "first" and "rest", and one in
the use of "null" in the code in place of "some x such that x is of type
(in the spec) to terminate a list.

The original daml example file,

<Class about="#Person">
  <comment>every person is a man or a woman</comment>
  <disjointUnionOf parseType="daml:collection">
    <Class about="#Man"/>
    <Class about="#Woman"/>

expands to (in N3) to

    ex:Person     a :Class;
         :subClassOf ex:Animal;
         :restrictedBy  [
             a :Restriction;
             :onProperty ex:parent;
             :toClass ex:Person ];
         :comment "every person is a man or a woman";
         :disjointUnionOf  [
             :first ex:Man;
             :rest  [
                 :first ex:Woman;
                 :rest :null ] ] .

I did not (yet?) implement regenerating the daml:collection syntax.

But the current language spec doesn't mention the RDF model for
lists at all.

I had the impression that Oiled parsed or generated lists too


----- Original Message -----
From: "Mike Dean" <[email protected]>
To: <[email protected]>
Sent: Thursday, January 04, 2001 1:35 PM
Subject: Joint Committee Minutes 2 January 2001

> The minutes from this week's meeting have been posted to
> [1].
> Mike
> [1]

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