Re: Joint Committee telecon today

From: Dan Connolly ([email protected])
Date: 12/19/00

Mike Dean wrote:
> We'll have our weekly telecon today (Tuesday, December 19)
> from 4-5pm EST, 1-2pm PST, and corresponding times in other
> locations.

Please accept my regrets, at least tentatively. I'm
in a meeting all day tomorrow. Maybe I'll call in,
but not likely.

> corrections to minutes from 28 November, 7-8 December, and
> 12 December [4]

Did you send out notice that the 12Dec minutes are available?
I don't recall seeing that. It's a useful trigger, for me.

I presume you'll review outstanding actions too...

as for my actions:

|ACTION Dan: draft a charter for this [logic/rules]
|        IG for review by JAH et. al.

no progress; sorry.

|ACTION DanC: do a regression test with the bio
|        ontology (maybe wines too)

TimBL and I made some progress on that; perhaps he can
report. But as we just got the bio ontology the other day,
we're not done.

|ACTION DC: propose something about concrete types

I made some progress; see recent
"URIs for primitive datatypes and facets?" messages.
But I don't really have a proposal yet. Sorry.

| ACTION Dan/Mike: figure out the data (at least year/month; day?)
|        [I think "data" was supposed to be "date"; i.e. publication

I propose 2000-12, Mike.

> [4]

Dan Connolly, W3C
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