URIs for primitive datatypes and facets?

From: Dan Connolly ([email protected])
Date: 12/15/00

We're using RDF to build an ontology markup language,
and we've come to the issue of concrete types,
i.e. integers, strings, etc.

We'd like to re-use the work done on XML Schema data

excerpt from
Joint Committee Minutes 7-8 December 2000

[08:41] <DanC_DC> [[[[[
[08:41] <DanC_DC> 3 Built-in datatypes 
[08:41] <DanC_DC>     3.1 Namespace considerations 
[08:41] <DanC_DC>     3.2 Primitive datatypes 
[08:41] <DanC_DC>         3.2.1 string 
[08:41] <DanC_DC>         3.2.2 boolean 
[08:41] <DanC_DC>         3.2.3 float 
[08:41] <DanC_DC>         3.2.4 double 
[08:41] <DanC_DC>         3.2.5 decimal 
[08:41] <DanC_DC>         3.2.6 timeDuration 
[08:41] <DanC_DC>         3.2.7 recurringDuration 
[08:41] <DanC_DC>         3.2.8 binary 
[08:41] <DanC_DC>         3.2.9 uriReference 
[08:41] <DanC_DC>         3.2.10 ID 
[08:41] <DanC_DC>         3.2.11 IDREF 
[08:41] <DanC_DC>         3.2.12 ENTITY 
[08:41] <DanC_DC>         3.2.13 QName 
[08:41] <DanC_DC> ]]]] -- http://www.w3.org/TR/xmlschema-2/

We just need URIs for each of the primitive
data types, and each of the facets.

I expected to find them in the spec, but I can't.
Am I missing something?

I was following a relevant issue
and I see
"Resolved: to resolve this issue by supplying IDs and stipulating what
the URI should be."

but I can't find the stipulation.

If they're not there, this represents an implementation
difficulty for us.

Dan Connolly, W3C http://www.w3.org/People/Connolly/

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