Joint Committee Minutes 6 November 2001

This page summarizes the telecon for the Joint US/EU Committee on Agent Markup Languages held from 1300 to 1400 PST on 6 November 2001. These minutes were prepared by the chairman, and were approved during the 20 November telecon.



No announcements this week.

Last Week's Minutes

We'll defer review of the October 30 minutes to next week.


Peter is still waiting for the Lucent lawyer. He's missing copyright messages from Dan Connolly, Ian, and Richard Fikes.

Lynn brought up some questions she had about the W3C collaborator's agreement for invited experts.

DAML+OIL Buglets

We discussed Frank's message. There was consensus that the spec should use rdfs:comment and rdf:Property. Peter has updated the draft submission and Mike will mirror the changes on

There was some discussion about whether daml:ObjectProperty should be used instead.


We discussed the DAML Validator and general issues of validating/critiquing DAML+OIL content, building off the previous email discussion.

The Validator is designed to help debug typos and similar errors during the creation of DAML+OIL content. Unlike XML validation, it's intended to point out possible problems rather than hard errors.

The Validator effectively creates a closed world over a set of specified DAML inputs.

We need to be careful in using the Validator "conclusions". There was general concensus that results such as "http://xxx#Dogg is not defined as a Class on the page at http://xxx" were helpful and appropriate, but don't constitute an error (though Jeff thought such undefined classes should be an error). The Validator allows users to adjust the levels associated with its indications.

Deb referred folks to the Knowledge Base Diagnostics site that she and Adam Pease developed for the DARPA Rapid Knowledge Formation program.

Japanese Semantic Web Efforts

Harold Boley reported on INAP 2001 and his visit to INTAP in Japan, which he subsequently summarized here.

The Japanese government is very interested in the Semantic Web and are looking for success stories (he cited They want to generate RDF from HTML and are looking for a killer app (e.g. matching job applicants to jobs).

At a recent INTEP Semantic Web Conference, Stuart Weibel gave a talk on Dublin Core.


Richard sent out a summary of query language issues. He'd like to separate issues from recommendations, and is looking for feedback.

Next Week

Peter volunteered to chair, since Mike will be attending the Semantic Web for Military Users workshop.

We'll continue our query discussion, based on Richard's issues list.


Kelly Barber's raw notes
last week's minutes
Joint Committee home page

$Id: 2001-11-06.html,v 1.9 2001/11/26 21:29:43 mdean Exp $