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U.S. Unified Command Plan in OWL

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This directory contains ucp-2003.owl (dumpont), a representation of the United States Unified Command Plan (UCP) represented in the OWL Web Ontology Language. Each GeographicCombatantCommand includes links to the countries within its Area of Responsibility (AOR).


ucp-2003.owl was generated by hand, with countries assigned primarily based upon this map.


The map below was produced using DAML Map view of Unified Command Plan

Geographic combatant commands are distinguished using different colors. checkmap.daml (HyperDAML) is the DAML Map representation from which this view was generated using OpenMap.

Possible Future Directions


Mike Dean
$Id: index.xml,v 1.5 2003/02/06 21:24:59 mdean Exp $