From: Dieter Fensel ([email protected])
Date: 10/28/01
Dear friends,
given the current flow of emails on our email list I would like to
ask you to exclude me from it. I have a period of serious travelling
which disables me to follow the discussions. Regarding the
fact that I have never provided any significant contribution to
DAML+OIL I also think it is not fair to further mention me as
a member of the committee.
I am hoping that you are continuing in doing your great job and I
also hope that in the web standardization group we can jointly
bring things a close to actual industrial needs.
Dieter Fensel
Division of Mathematics & Computer Science,
Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam,
De Boelelaan 1081a, 1081 HV Amsterdam, NL
The Netherlands
Room number R-261.
Tel. (mobil): +31-(0)6-51850619,
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