ESWC05 -- Call for Posters and Software Demos

From: York Sure ([email protected])
Date: 02/09/05

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    Call for Posters and Software Demos
    European Semantic Web Conference ESWC 2005
    Heraklion, Crete
    May 29th - June 1st 2005
    The ESWC 2005 Program Committee invites proposals for the 
    demonstrations and poster program. This program is intended to 
    showcase innovative Semantic Web related implementations and 
    technologies. Submissions will be evaluated on the basis of their 
    innovation, relevance, scientific contribution, reusability, and 
    presentation, by an international committee.
    Areas of Interest
    We would like to encourage the submission of proposals for 
    demonstrations of software related to any areas of the Semantic Web. 
    Areas of interest related to Semantic Web technology include, but are 
    not limited to:
    * Social Software and Portals
    * Semantic Desktop Systems and Tools
    * P2P systems
    * Annotation tools
    * Novel query and browsing interfaces
    * Data visualization
    * Ontology development environments
    * Ontology libraries and management systems
    * Tools for merging, integrating or articulating ontologies
    * Tools for merging, integrating or articulating instance data
    * Reusable components and APIs for RDF, DAML+OIL, OWL, etc.
    * Repositories and inference systems
    * Applications
    * Agent systems embedded in the Semantic Web
    * Systems that identify and compose web services
    Requested Contributions We are looking for contributions whose nature 
    make them less suited for submission to the official paper track. We 
    would like to emphasize this point and make clear that the poster 
    session is more than a second chance for a rejected paper.
    In particular, we ask for contributions of the following kind:
    * Late-breaking and Speculative Results: 
    Significant and original ideas and promising approaches to resolve 
    open problems in semantic web research that are in an early stage and 
    have not been verified and tested sufficiently to meet the 
    requirements of a scientific publication. Submissions in this area 
    will be evaluated like a scientific paper but limited to the aspects 
    of originality, relevance and significance.
    * Systems and Infrastructure: 
    Descriptions (preferably accompanied by demonstration) of new systems 
    that use semantic web technology to solve important real world 
    problems. We are also looking for software infrastructure supporting 
    the development of systems that use semantic web technologies. 
    Systems will be evaluated based on novelty and significance of the 
    application as well as the use of semantic web technologies for 
    solving the problem. Main criteria for contributions on 
    infrastructure is successful use in existing applications as well as 
    uniqueness of the provided services.
    * Projects and Initiatives: 
    Descriptions of the objectives and results of ongoing projects and 
    initiatives. The aim is to provide an overview of ongoing work in the 
    area of the semantic web. Contributions in this area will be 
    evaluated based on the importance and uniqueness of the objectives. 
    Further criteria for project descriptions are the significance of 
    results, descriptions of initiatives will also be evaluated with 
    respect to the expected impact on the community .
    Submissions Format and Procedure
    Please submit papers by the deadline by email (pdf/zipped HTML) to:
    [email protected]
    The abstract should describe the content of the poster or demo to be 
    demonstrated as well as the architecture and the availability of the 
    software (if any) and should also include including title, authors, 
    full contact information, and references (limited to a small number 
    of closely related publications).
    Important Dates
    Abstract submission: March 1, 2005
    Acceptance notification: April 8, 2005
    Camera ready Abstracts due: May 2, 2005
    Contact Information:
    Demo Chair
    Stefan Decker
    Digital Enterprise Research Institute
    National University of Ireland, Galway, Ireland
    [email protected]
    phone: +353 91 512483
    fax2email: +1 503 905 7502
    Poster Chair
    Heiner Stuckenschmidt
    Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
    [email protected]
    phone: +31 20 598 7752
    fax: +31 20 598 7653
     Dr. York Sure
     Institute AIFB, University of Karlsruhe (TH)
     phone: +49 (0) 721 608 6592

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