From: mgreaves ([email protected])
Date: 02/02/04
To the DAML Community: At the October DAML PI meeting in Florida, I spoke about my commitment to open source software, and to upgrading the current web site at which our software is made available to the world. The initial fruits of this project are now available at a new web site, Semantic Web Central, < <> >. This web site will not replace the current program-specific website, but it will complement by providing a professional, easy-to-use, and richly detailed open source site, with all the bells and whistles demanded by modern software engineering practice. SemWebCentral is designed to live on after the DAML program funding ends, and continue on as a dedicated resource for the semantic web community. Some goals: 1. SemWebCentral will provide information, training and support aimed at evolution, adoption and transition of emerging Semantic Web practices and standards. 2. SemWebCentral will serve Semantic Web researchers and developers by providing host support for their projects, as well as useful tools, applications, and code examples. 3. Finally, unlike many other open source sites, SemWebCentral will specifically support interested nondevelopers -- people who are not concerned with code details, but just want to start downloading tools and stringing them together to try out the semantic web. SemWebCentral is here to support you! Please visit the site and have a look around, and consider hosting your current semantic web projects on SemWebCentral. We welcome feedback on the current site content, as well as recommendations on what we could do to improve its utility. This is version 1 of the website, and I hope to see many subsequent versions as the site evolves to meet the needs of real users. Thanks, Mark Dr. Mark Greaves DARPA IXO 3701 N. Fairfax Drive Arlington, VA 22203 (703) 526-6623 (voice) (703) 741-7800 (fax)
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