RE: DAML PI meeting

From: mgreaves ([email protected])
Date: 07/09/03

  • Next message: Siegfried Handschuh: "3 CfP: KCAP 03 Markup and Annotation Workshop"
    A minor correction: since OntoWeb5 will extend into the late afternoon of
    10/18, the SWSI F2F will be Sunday 10/19 only, and will be held at the South
    Seas Resort on Captiva (the location of the DAML PI meeting).
    Again, suggestions or corrections to me or Jack ([email protected]
    <mailto:[email protected]> ).
    Dr. Mark Greaves 
    3701 N. Fairfax Drive 
    Arlington, VA   22203 
    (703) 526-6623   (voice) 
    (703) 522-8916   (fax) 
    -----Original Message-----
    From: mgreaves 
    Sent: Tuesday, July 08, 2003 3:25 PM
    To: '[email protected]'
    Subject: DAML PI meeting
    This is an advance notice that the next DARPA Agent Markup Language (DAML)
    Principal Investigator (PI) meeting will be held Thursday through Saturday,
    16-18 October, 2003.  The dates were chosen to allow the maximum
    participation in and coordination with the OntoWeb5, ISWC 2003, and K-Cap
    2003 meetings.  We will overlap somewhat with OntoWeb5.  The SWSI
    face-to-face is currently scheduled for whatever remains of Saturday, plus
    Sunday 19 October.  So, the current dates I have are:
    DAML PI meeting:  10/16 - 10/18 
    Joint Committee Meeting:  10/17 afternoon 
    OntoWeb5:  10/17 and 10/18 
    SWSI F2F:   10/18 afternoon and 10/19 
    ISWC:  10/20 (workshops) 10/21-10/23 (main conference) 
    K-Cap:  10/23 - 10/25 (main conference); 10/25-10/26 (workshops) 
    It will be a busy time. 
    The DAML PI meeting location is tentatively selected as the South Seas
    Resort on Captiva Island, Florida.  The OntoWeb5, ISWC 2003, and K-Cap 2003
    meetings will be held nearby on Sanibel Island, Florida.  The islands are
    connected by a bridge.
    If you have any suggestions for the DAML PI meeting, please contact me or
    Jack.  I expect that we will follow roughly the same format as previous
    meetings.  We will publish an agenda as the meeting time gets closer, but
    this should allow you to start your travel planning.
    Dr. Mark Greaves 
    3701 N. Fairfax Drive 
    Arlington, VA   22203 
    (703) 526-6623   (voice) 
    (703) 522-8916   (fax) 

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