DAML Principal Investigators Meeting - Official Announcement

From: Howard, Jack ([email protected])
Date: 02/10/03

  This is the official announcement of the next DARPA Agent Markup Language
(DAML) Program Principal Investigators (PI) meeting.  It will be held at the
Marriott Biscayne Bay in Miami, FL from Tuesday through Thursday, 8-10
April, 2003.
  Attendance is open to the DAML, Rapid Knowledge Formation (RKF), and W3C
communities, as well as prospective government user organizations.  Requests
for other attendees should be addressed to John Flynn (703-284-4612,
[email protected] <mailto:[email protected]> ), or me.

  Significant meeting goals are to assess progress to date and address
central issues.  Additional guidance on briefing preparation will be
provided separately.
  A web site providing additional information and on-line registration is
available at the URL below.  The site is password protected.  Please do not
distribute the password information outside the DAML, RKF and W3C
communities unless approved by Murray.

  Username:    daml2003
  Password:    damlmiami
  An agenda is being developed and as soon as it is available it will be
posted on the site and a notification will be sent.
  Technology demonstrations will be conducted the evening of Tuesday, 8
April.  Demonstrations are encouraged, however, only new demonstrations and
those demonstrations from the previous PI meeting which have shown
significant progress should be presented.  (That is, if your demo has not
changed significantly from the last meeting, please do not demo it at this
  Please contact me with your requirements (number of tables, easels,
internet connectivity, etc.) for your demonstration.  A wireless LAN with
internet connectivity will be available for the general sessions and for the
demonstrations, however, each attendee should bring his/her own wireless LAN
card (802.11b compatible).
  Please don't hesitate to contact me if you have any questions or
suggestions about the meeting.

John J. Howard 
Schafer Corporation 
3811 North Fairfax Drive 
Suite 400 
Arlington, VA 22203 
Phone: 703-516-6021 
Cell: 703-298-4754 
Fax: 703-516-6065 
E-mail: [email protected] 

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