Peter has updated the DAML+OIL model theory to address Pat's RDF(S) theory. The current theory covers only the DAML+OIL extensions to RDF(S). The most significant change is the addition of explicit extension mapping, a trick Pat learned from Chris Menzel and used in the RDF(S) Model Theory which is very applicable DAML+OIL and offers the potential for an encompassing theory. Peter has distributed first and second versions of this update; a third version is in-progress.
The updated model theory will look more like the KIF axiomatic semantics. Pat has a contractual obligation to map between the model theoretic and axiomatic semantics, but is waiting for the dust to settle.
There's considerable on-going discussion regarding literals. Pat would like to make model theory agnostic with respect to literals, syntax, etc., minimizing the set of issues on which it has to express an opinion.
Harold asked about the relationship between the Model Theory and XML Schema data types. There's also considerable on-going-discussion on this topic, which the Model Theory tries to avoid. ACTION (Mike): survey current usage of datatypes in DAML+OIL.
and rdfs:comment
Explicitly addressing these would add
50-100 lines (an extra 1/3) to the Model Theory.
ACTION (everyone): review the current comments. Some may be obsolete.
RESOLVED: don't change the current file (which is part of the submission, etc.). Note the exclusion in the Model Theory.
ACTION (Mike): ping Benjamin and Ian regarding their next iteration of the rules proposal
Pat and Peter volunteered to provide an update on the Model Theory, which should be more stable by then.
$Id: 2001-10-02.html,v 1.4 2001/10/13 03:52:19 mdean Exp $