Joint Committee Minutes 10 April 2001
This page summarizes the telecon for the Joint US/EU
Committee on Agent Markup Languages
held from 1300 to 1400 PDT on 10 April 2001.
These minutes were prepared by the chairman,
and were approved during the 17 April telecon.
- Dan Connolly
- Mike Dean
- Stefan Decker
- Jeff Heflin
- Jim Hendler (left early)
- Ora Lassila
- Deb McGuinness
- Peter Patel-Schneider
is a new tool for browsing hypertext DAML and RDF content.
Jim announced the availability of the
Scientific American Semantic Web article.
This issue should hit the newsstands and be mailed to subscribers shortly.
Last Week's Minutes
The minutes from April 3 were approved by those present.
Jim introduced his previous
regarding tagging.
SHOE has a 2 level mechanism where one could make claims about statements
(but not claims about claims).
Jeff referred to his
on tagging.
RDF may already contain what we need.
There was some discussion about the relationship between
(asserted) statements and reified statements with the same subject, predicate, and object:
are they the same?
Dan Connolly referred to his previous
which potentially impacts on tagging of statements and reification.
Jeff expressed concern that the term "tagging" could be confused with XML tags.
Stefan and others liked the term "annotation", used in logic programming,
but Peter was concerned that what we are doing is different from
Annotated Logic Programming.
Mike referred to his
regarding support for tagging and quoting using different APIs.
The APIs make it easy to make statements about statements
(using a statement as the subject of another statement),
and developers will want to do this,
but we don't have a consistent syntax (or semantics) for this practice.
Stefan noted the desirability of having statement identifiers be computed from the statements
rather than being arbitrarily assigned.
DAML+OIL (March 2001) Feedback
There was consensus that Dan Connolly
an error in the specification.
ACTION (Mike): Make the changes.
We discussed Lewis Hart's
as the telecon was closing.
These will require further research,
but there was consensus that we should be consistent in our usage within the DAML+OIL release documents.
Instance Examples
Stefan has been working on the
instance examples
he volunteered to do last week,
and requested feedback from the group.
He's starting with the data model and the graph representation and then moving into XML code.
There was consensus that this was a good idea.
Mike made several suggestions:
- that we start simple (e.g. using only a couple namespaces, and IDs rather than urn's)
so as not to scare users
- that this document be targeted at someone who chose or was directed to
create instances for an ontology that someone else had written. What tools might they
use to initially understand/visualize the ontology?
Dan would prefer that entity's not be used.
Next Week
Stefan will lead a discussion on "DAML+OIL Lite", and send out his thoughts beforehand.
If Jim and Pat are available, we'll
continue our discussion of tagging.
Upcoming Weeks
Several people are interested in discussing the meaning of DAML imports.
Kelly Barber's raw notes
last week's minutes
Joint Committee home page
$Id: 2001-04-10.html,v 1.8 2001/04/24 04:06:00 mdean Exp $