Joint Committee Minutes 13 March 2001

This page summarizes the telecon for the Joint US/EU Committee on Agent Markup Languages held from 1300 to 1400 PST on 13 March 2001. These minutes were prepared by the chairman, and were approved during the 20 March telecon.



No announcements this week.

Last Week's Minutes

The minutes from March 6 were approved by those present. Dan Connolly requested that the minutes contain a link to the Committee home page.

DAML+OIL (March 2001)

Frank was swamped this week, and didn't get to update the walkthru and reference yet. There was consensus that it was worth waiting for this to be complete. The walkthru is critical -- the reference could potentially wait, but we should note that it's forthcoming rather than release an out-of-date version.

Peter asked that we preserve the CVS file modification dates when publishing the release to ACTION (Mike): Update the nightly update script.

ACTION (Mike): Add Dublin Core annotations to daml+oil.daml and daml+oil-ex.daml.

There was some discussion of which portions of the release were normative: the reference text, the model-theoretic semantics, and/or the axiomatic semantics. Future releases should make this clear.

It would be desirable to have someone formally check the consistency between the model-theoretic and axiomatic semantics. It's estimated that this would take about a week's work. This might be a good project for a graduate student. ACTION: Pat Hayes volunteered to try this.

Jim noted that people are using both versions of the semantics, and believes there are advantages to keeping both for the long term.

RESOLVED: We should generally avoid use of the .xsd suffix in namespaces referring to built-in or user-defined XML Schema types.

Knowledge Technologies 2001

Dan Connolly made his trip report available. DAML was well received. Other highlights of the conference included:

W3C RDF IG Meeting (continued from 27 February)

Stefan reported on the closing session of the RDF Interest Group face-to-face meeting. Items of particular interest to DAML:

It has been proposed that the next face-to-face meeting of the RDF Interest Group be held in conjunction with the Semantic Web Workshop at Stanford in July.

Upcoming Meetings (continued from 27 February)

The following items were suggested as possible major topics for upcoming telecons:

Next Week

ACTION (everyone): review Tim's on-going work with rules in N3 and cwm, and be prepared to discuss it.


last week's minutes
Joint Committee home page

$Id: 2001-03-13.html,v 1.9 2001/05/05 08:50:41 mdean Exp $